
Words of Encouragement

I’ve got a folder in my office of compliments that I’ve received over the years here at work.  Is it okay to admit this?  I don’t know.  But I figure, if someone has taken the...

Good out of Bad

Certainly, we don’t always enjoy the trials and tribulations life throws at us or thrusts us into, but experiencing those difficulties and persevering through and triumphing over them make us who we are.  And we...

Modern-Day Plague

Picture with me, if you will, a church. At the altar, amidst a group of well-dressed young people stands the groom, impatient with anticipation. But not with the thoughts you might expect. In a bubble...

Staying on Track

My husband retired a short while ago. With less household income and more time on his hands, we wanted to make sure we didn’t keep living the same lifestyle we were accustomed to when he...

Advice Taken

Counseling is a mandatory part of the insolvency process for the majority of personal insolvency debtors. The sessions are designed to provide financial tracking/management skills, to identify the cause/root of the problems, and to discover...

Avoiding Bankruptcy

Do you have a friend, partner, associate or acquaintance who is feeling the financial woes or struggling financially?  Trying to make ends meet, unable to pay their debts as they become due?  If they can’t...

Advertisements: Buyer Beware

Relaxing in front of the television, perusing social media, or walking around town, we’re bombarded with ads telling us what we need and why.  Ads can seem quite convincing until we take a moment to...

The Pendulum Swings

Many, many years ago, when someone went bankrupt, there was no standard requiring the individual to contribute to their bankruptcy from their income.  Then when the law was amended in 1992, the federal government established...

Walking the Talk

Personal Bankruptcy Administrator Do you budget, or are you one of those people who think budgeting is only for those who are strapped for cash? Think you know where every cent of your money is...


Chances are, if someone’s telling you about their pregnancy or medical experience, it’s about something exceptional that happened. You rarely hear someone say, “My root canal was no big deal.” I guess that’s because we like to...